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- Jennie Lopez
- [email protected]
Mayor Daniella Levine Cava Unveils Government Efficiency Initiative in 2025 State of the County Address
Tonight, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava delivered her fifth State of the County address at Miami Senior High, with hundreds of community leaders, elected officials, and residents in attendance. During her address, she reaffirmed her administration’s commitment to building on the progress made during her first term to improve quality of life for all residents by building an economy that works all, making our infrastructure future ready, investing in housing and transportation solutions, and protecting our environment. Mayor Levine Cava also unveiled WISE305, a bold new agenda to continue driving efficiency, streamlining operations, and ensuring the highest return on taxpayer dollars.
“In the next four years, we will continue to leverage innovation and streamline our operations to build an even more efficient, effective county government – to save money and cut red tape,” said Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. “That’s why tonight, I am proud to announce our WISE305 agenda – a series of policy actions and approaches my administration will follow as we continue to lead boldly with fiscal stewardship.”
WISE305 is built on four core pillars:
- Workplace Initiatives: Empowering county employees to identify and eliminate outdated rules and regulations that slow down operations, ensuring that every policy, program, real estate deal, and contract delivers the highest return for taxpayers.
- Investments in Technology: Continuing to leverage automation and modernized permitting systems to enhance efficiency and make it faster, easier, and less expensive to do business in and with Miami-Dade County.
- Savings for Businesses and Residents: Consolidating services to maximize every dollar spent. The Mayor’s administration already merged Internal Services and HR into one department to streamline these functions, and department directors have been charged with eliminating redundancies to conserve taxpayer resources.
- Efficiency Review: With the Board of County Commissioners, review all policies older than a decade to sunset unnecessary regulations, cut red tape and create a more future-ready government.
“WISE305 is my administration’s promise that we are working harder than ever to ensure our best days are ahead – and that we maximize the value of every single taxpayer dollar spent,” said Mayor Levine Cava. “We must invest wisely today to plan for the future. This is our moment to deliver on excellence for our residents not just today but tomorrow.”
To learn more about Mayor Levine Cava’s initiatives, visit miamidade.gov/progress. Watch the full speech here: miamidade.gov/stateofthecounty.
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Daniella Levine Cava,Office of the Mayor
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Miami, FL 33128
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