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Miami-Dade County strengthens ties with Aix En Provence, France
The Miami-Dade County International Trade Consortium (ITC) met with The Honorable Sophie Joissains, Mayor of Aix-en-Provence, leading a distinguished delegation focused on expanding collaboration between our regions.
Discussions centered on partnerships in innovation, tourism, food and beverage, air connectivity, and education, reinforcing the shared commitment to economic and cultural exchange. Other potential opportunities included connecting Aix-en-Provence’s thriving tech and research ecosystem with Miami’s growing AI and startup sectors, fostering cross-border collaboration.
Strengthening academic partnerships was a key focus, including student and faculty exchanges, joint research initiatives, and vocational training programs to enhance workforce development in both regions.
ITC extends a special thanks to the entire delegation, including representatives from Aix-Marseille-Provence’s business, cultural, and economic sectors. Another special thank you is extended to to Leticia Perez, International Business Development Representative, Economic Development Department, City of Coral Gables, and Nathalie Cluzet-Bertot, Press Attaché, Head of Public Affairs, Consulate General of France in Miami, for inviting ITC to meet with the delegation.
Miami-Dade County bilateral relations with France includes a Sister City Agreement with Metropolis of Aix-Marseille Provence and a Sister Seaport Agreement between PortMiami and the Port Authority of Marseilles.
As France ranks within the top 20 trading partners of Miami-Dade County, ITC look forward to building on these discussions and deepening ties between Miami-Dade County and Aix-en-Provence.
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Gerard Philippeaux,International Trade Consortium
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
Miami, FL 33128
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