By registering and providing information (such as your name, address and contact information) you create a profile.
Once you create your profile, you can make edits or changes to it as needed. You should edit the information if you get a new email, street address or telephone number.
The information on changes to profiles applies only to applicants who are not current Miami-Dade County employees. Current Miami-Dade County employees can only update their email addresses online. Other changes to their profiles must be processed through their departmental personnel representatives (DPRs).
Applicant profiles will be available online at any time unless the account has not had any activity for two years. After two years of inactivity, the profile will be purged.
Personal Information
The system requires that each applicant enter his or her birth date and the last five digits of his or her social security number. This information will be used with other personal characteristics, such as your name and address, to make sure each applicant profile is unique.
Birth Date
The date of birth is one element, among many, of the formula the County uses to ensure the unique identification of each person who uses the online application for employment.
Older systems, including the one the County previously used, require the applicant to use his or her social security number as the distinctive factor. Since current trends and best business practices indicate that at this first stage of the application process, other mechanisms are preferable in order to prevent compromising an individual's security. The date of birth is used and the social security number is not requested until a contingent job offer has been made.
Miami-Dade County is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to a fair and equitable selection process. The date of birth will be used solely for identification purposes and will not be used in making hiring decisions.
Social Security Number
Miami-Dade County Human Resources collects your social security number for the following purposes:
- identification and verification
- reconciliation
- tracking
- creating a record of your employment application
- maintaining your password account
Social security numbers are also used as a unique numeric identifier and may be used for search purposes.
Public Records
In accordance with Florida law, any paperwork related to conducting official business with the government is a public record. Employment applications fall under the definition of a public record, which means that applications to the County are available for review upon request.
Miami-Dade County is a public entity subject to Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes concerning public records which includes all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, tapes, photographs, films, sound recordings, data processing software, or other material, regardless of physical form, characteristics, or means of transmission, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by any agency.