Help clean up marine debris and litter

Marine debris refers to any persistent solid material that is intentionally or unintentionally discarded into marine environments, such as Biscayne Bay. This includes human-made objects like plastic bags, cigarette butts and fishing gear. These items can be found in bodies of water such as lakes, rivers and canals, which flow out into bays and oceans.

Litter is similar but typically refers to human-made materials disposed of in public spaces like parks and trails.

Whether in water or on land, marine debris and litter pose significant threats to wildlife, people and local economies. Animals may ingest or become entangled in the debris, often with fatal consequences. Moreover, plastics can absorb and concentrate pollutants, posing additional risks to species that interact with them.

Some of the most common and harmful types of marine debris and litter include:

  • Plastic items: Cigarette butts, plastic bags, food wrappers
  • Derelict fishing gear: Lost or abandoned fishing equipment
  • Microplastics: Tiny plastic fragments invisible to the naked eye
  • Large debris: Derelict vessels, construction debris, household appliances

These items vary in size and persistence. Some remain in the environment indefinitely and will continue to impact ecosystems.