Project P.E.A.C.E.
Monthly food distribution at Demps Park
As part of Project P.E.A.C.E., Demps Park will be hosting free drive-thru food distribution events every second Thursday through Dec. 8, from 9 a.m. to noon. There will be food available for up to 500 households on a first-come, first-served basis.
Project P.E.A.C.E. (People Engaged and Advocating for Community Empowerment) is a 3-year, $1 million grant initiative funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Program formerly named the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program. The grant is administered by the Miami-Dade County Office of Management and Budget - Grants Coordination Division in collaboration with the Miami-Dade Police Department (Lead Law Enforcement Agency), Justice & Security Strategies, Inc. (Research Partner), various Cross-Sector Partners, and residents.
Project goals are to:
- Increase community perception of safety
- Reduce criminal activity while increasing community ownership
- Encourage collaboration between community providers, government agencies, including police and residents
Miami-Dade County has received two grant awards for this initiative. The first FY 2014 CBCR Grant award brought innovative crime reduction best practices to the Northside District: Liberty City. Various community partners have joined with MDPD to sustain these efforts. The current FY 2018 CBCR Grant award is approved to serve a comprised area within the Goulds neighborhood. Appropriate modifications to our first model were made to fit the needs of the Gould neighborhood by bringing resources exclusively available to the residents from the project area while following COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing practices.
Some of the innovative services available are Youth and Neighborhood virtual workshops and online registration to secure a box of food during our Monthly Free Food Drive-Thru Distributions at Goulds Park.
To schedule an appointment to receive services through the Community Connectors group or to participate in the Family & Neighborhood Empowerment Virtual Workshops, please contact Be Strong International at 305-969-7829 or email them at [email protected]

Management and Budget
David Clodfelter, DirectorStephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
22nd Floor
Miami, FL 33128