The Forensic Odontologist assists in the identification of some bodies by comparison of the antemortem and postmortem dental records and or photographs whenever possible.
This department preserves the records of unidentified persons by taking photographs, X-rays and charting all teeth. Impressions of the teeth are taken and models constructed when necessary. Patterned injuries of the skin are analyzed when bite marks may be a consideration.
All information for Unidentified Persons are recorded in NCIC or NAMUS. In instances where criminal investigation is indicated, the Forensic Odontologist provides professional support to the Law Enforcement Agency, the State Attorney's Office or the Public Defender.
During the course of the year, the Forensic Odontology section conducts individual and group training in dental autopsy techniques and bite mark analysis. The South Florida Dental Identification Response Team (D.I.R.T.) is a vital part of the odontology section and various members participate in the morgue activities when called in the event of a mass disaster. This team is part of the South Florida District Dental Association and is chaired by Dr. William E. Silver.
Dr. Richard Souviron
Chief of Forensic Odontology
Dr. William E. Silver
Deputy Chief of Forensic Odontology

Medical Examiner
Dr. Kenneth D. Hutchins
Medical Examiner Building
1851 NW 10th Ave,
Miami, FL 33136