Forensic Pathology Fellowship Program
The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner Department offers a one-year, ACGME-accredited, Forensic Pathology Training Program for medical doctors who have completed a residency in anatomic or anatomic and clinical pathology. Please see requirements below.
Board-certified pathologists and a staff of toxicologists, investigators, technicians, and forensic photographers provide guidance in principles of forensic case solving to four Fellows. Neuropathology, Forensic Anthropology, Cardiac Pathology and Forensic Odontology consultants, and medical school staff regularly interact with the Fellows.
Human skeletal remains cases provide study between visits by the consultant anthropologist. The police crime laboratory and firearms range provide additional training.
The Fellowship year starts with two weeks of orientation and didactic lectures, followed by a time of graduated responsibility in case solving.
Investigative strength is gained by primary responsibility for scene investigations, which average 35 per year per Fellow, the performance of approximately 200 autopsies, and presentation of cases at the daily case review conferences. Attending scenes is a requirement. Fellows must have a valid driver’s license and be able to drive themselves to scenes throughout Miami-Dade County. Vehicles are provided.
Fellows may have an opportunity to testify on their cases in court or in deposition by year's end. Five decades of categorized records provide excellent study materials for research and Board preparation in conjunction with a complete reference library and online services.
At year's end the Fellow should be imbued with skills and logic needed to solve forensic case problems independently.
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Medical Examiner
Dr. Kenneth D. Hutchins, Chief Medical ExaminerMedical Examiner Building
1851 NW 10th Ave,
Miami, FL 33136