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Dear Residents,

Thank you for subscribing to the District 6 e-Newsletter.

In this time of gratitude, I can't help reflecting on the great honor you have bestowed on me by allowing me to serve and represent you in county government. Your confidence in me is humbling and continues to fuel my passion for bettering our community and advocating on your behalf.

As I gather with my family this Thanksgiving, please know that among the many things I have to be thankful for, your support brings me the utmost encouragement and truly warms my heart.

I thank you and wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day with your loved ones!

Visit Miami-Dade County’s Fall season guide for a variety of activities, events and safety tips.


Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa
Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners
District 6


Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa
November 2014

Chairwoman Sosa hosts food distribution in Hialeah

I felt so blessed meeting so many of our wonderful neighbors at the recent food distribution in Hialeah. Thank you all so much for attending and helping to get the word out! Thanks to Farm Share, Inc. we were able to help provide much needed meals to over 700 households!

Waterway Neighborhood Butterfly Garden

A big thank you to all of the residents who came out to enjoy the grand opening of A.D. Barnes Park's new butterfly garden! It was a beautiful day made more special by your attendance. For those interested in visiting it, the garden is located in the northwest corner of A.D. Barnes Park just east of SW 72nd Avenue at N. Waterway Drive.

Sgt. Amaru Aguilar-Borgen street naming ceremony

Chairwoman Sosa joined State Representative Erick Fresen in a street naming ceremony for Sgt. Amaru Aguilar-Borgen, who tragically lost his life while serving and protecting our country on May 13, 2011.

Chairwoman Sosa meets with Youth Commissioner Patricia Marrero

Chairwoman Sosa recently met with Patricia Marrero, her appointee to the Miami-Dade Youth Commission. The Youth Commission is comprised of students from each commission district who represent and articulate the needs of youth in Miami-Dade and advise the Mayor and Board of County Commissioners on matters affecting the youth population. Officials hear firsthand what concerned teens have to say, have the opportunity to educate them about the governmental process, and help foster a symbiotic relationship between youth and the County.

Read more about the Miami-Dade County Youth Commission.

Chairwoman Sosa participates in press conference regarding Ebola

Chairwoman Sosa joined Senator Marco Rubio and Mayor Carlos Gimenez at a recent conference to discuss protocol and procedures regarding Ebola.

Helpful Information

DMV to Go

Thursday, November 20, 2014
9:30 am to 2:30 pm
Stephen P. Clark Center lobby, 111 NW 1 Street, Miami, FL 33128

Residents can receive assistance in obtaining or renewing a driver’s license or identification card, as well as several federal services. Due to limited space, residents interested in obtaining a driver’s license or ID card must make an online appointment.  

Those with appointments must bring proper documentation as required by the DMV. A list of suitable identification is available at www.gathergoget.com. DMV to Go representatives do not administer driving exams.

Contact Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa

District 6 Office
1000 SW 57 Avenue, Suite 201
Miami, Florida 33144
305-267-6377 Phone
305-267-6366 Fax

Downtown Office
Stephen P. Clark Government Center
111 NW 1 Street, Suite 220
Miami, Florida 33128
305-375-5696 Phone
305-372-6090 Fax

E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.miamidade.gov/district06

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