Water Supply Certification
All new construction, addition, renovation or changes in use resulting in an increase in water consumption need a Water Supply Certification letter. The County's program is designed to assure adequate water supply is available to all County water users. This will ensure compliance with Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) policies and the permitted withdrawal capacity in the 20-year Water Use Permit.
- At the customer’s request, a no net increase Water Supply Certification letter is issued for projects not resulting in an increase in water consumption.
Policy CIE-5D in the Capital Improvement Element and Policy WS-2C in the Water and Sewer Element of the County’s CDMP provides that Miami-Dade County's Water and Sewer Department (WASD) is responsible for monitoring the availability of water supplies for all water users of the WASD and for implementing a system that links water supplies to the permitting of new development to assure adequate water supply is available to all users of the WASD. This letter certifies that adequate water supply is available to serve the proposed development in accordance with the permitted withdrawal capacity in the County’s Water Use Permit.
- The Certification Letter is issued at the time an Agreement, Verification Form or Ordinance Letter is offered or during the Plat process prior to the final Development Order.
- The Water Supply Certification letter is processed concurrent with the Agreement, Verification Form or Ordinance Letter as applicable.
- The Water Supply Certification Fee is $90. A $30 Re-Certification Fee applies if the reservation expires as specified in the Water Supply Certification letter.
Phone Number(s)
Program Manager Maria A. Valdes, Chief of the Planning and Water Certification Section
Mail / Email

Water and Sewer
Amanda Kinnick, Interim Director
Water and Sewer Douglas Office
3071 SW 38th Ave,
Miami, FL 33146