Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) Adopted Components
The Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP) is organized into 13 Plan Elements preceded by a Statement of Legislative Intent and a Vision Statement. Each Element contains components, which are adopted, plus support components which are not adopted but which provide background information.
Only the components of the CDMP, which are adopted as County policy, are contained in this report. The Support Components of the Plan Elements are contained in separate documents. Each of the Support Components includes background data and analyses, inventories of existing conditions, methodologies projections or other estimates of future conditions, and summaries of applicable State, regional, and preexisting County plan policies. To obtain a copy of the Support Components, please contact the Planning Division at [email protected] or (305) 375-2835.
CDMP: Adopted Components
In 2017, the County began the once every seven years Evaluation and Appraisal of the CDMP as required per Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes. This process included an extensive public engagement process intended to inform the public about the process and elicit input. Public workshops were held with citizens throughout the County, with various County boards and committees, and with municipalities. The County also launched an interactive, web-based survey to elicit input on key issues related to the EAR. Proposed amendments to the CDMP resulting from the EAR process seek to address the issues identified through the public engagement process and staff’s evaluation of the CDMP, are being advanced through individual applications. The CDMP adopted components provided below reflect all amendments to the CDMP as of April 21, 2022, including the EAR-based amendments.
- TOC, Introduction & Statement of Legislative Intent
- I. Land Use Element (6.15 MB)
- II. Transportation Element (10.3 MB)
- III. Housing Element
- IV. Conservation, Aquifer Recharge and Drainage Element
- V. Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Element
- VI. Recreation and Open Space Element
- VII. Coastal Management Element
- VIII. Intergovernmental Coordination Element
- IX. Capital Improvements Element (1.25 MB)
- X. Educational Element (1.17 MB)
- XI. Economic Element
- XII. Community Health and Design Element
- XIII. Property Rights Elements
NOTICE: The original true and correct copy of the official Land Use Plan map is maintained by the Director of the Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. This is a reproduction. Any question regarding information shown on this reproduction shall be resolved by reference to the original.

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