Small Business Enterprise - Goods & Services
This program is a gender and race-neutral program for Goods and Services contracts. It provides contracting opportunities for firms that meet the following criteria:
Small Business Enterprise - Goods
- Business must have a Miami-Dade County Local Business Tax Receipt for at least one year
- Business must have an actual location in Miami-Dade County. No virtual office
- Home-based business requires an owner to reside at the location
- Business three-year-average gross receipt not to exceed $5 million, except manufacturers whose number of employees cannot exceed 100 and wholesalers whose number of employees cannot exceed 50
- Business owner can own only one certified Small Business Enterprise – Goods firm
- Business license holder or qualifier (if applicable) must own at least 10 percent of the firm's issued stocks or have at least a 10 percent ownership interest in the certified firm
- Business owners' Personal Financial (net worth) Statement cannot exceed $1.5 million for each owner
Small Business Enterprise - Services
- Business must have a Miami-Dade County Local Business Tax Receipt for at least one year
- Business must have an actual location in Miami-Dade County. No virtual office
- Home-based business requires an owner to reside at the location
- Business three-year-average gross receipt not to exceed $5 million
- Business owner can own only one certified Small Business Enterprise – Services firm
- Business license holder or qualifier (if applicable) must own at least 10 percent of the firm's issued stocks or have at least a 10 percent ownership interest in the certified firm
- Business owners Personal Financial (net worth) Statement cannot exceed $1.5 million for each owner
Projects Under Review
Small Business Enterprise – Goods and Services projects and the review status of each are available online.
Contracting Opportunities
Each year, Miami-Dade County awards millions of dollars in contracts to firms for procurement of goods and services (items excluding construction and architectural and engineering services). The County reviews procurement projects prior to advertisement for opportunities of small business participation and places measures for these projects accordingly.
Under the Small Business Enterprise Program, certified micro enterprises receive an automatic 10 percent bid preference or selection factor on contracts $50,000 and under. It is required that departments solicit bids or quotes from at least four firms where available (two micro enterprises and two non-certified firms) for contracts of $50,000 and under.
County departments are required to expend at least 10 percent of the total value of contracts $100,000 and under with small business enterprises. On contracts that exceed $100,000, Small Business Enterprises participate through set-asides, subcontractor goals, bid preferences or selection factor.
In order to do business with Miami-Dade County, firms must be registered vendors. Vendor applications may be obtained from the Procurement Management Services Division. To participate on County procurement projects fulfilling Small Business Enterprise measures, a firm must be certified in the appropriate category.
Small Business Enterprise Programs

Small Business Development
Gary T. Hartfield
Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street,
19th Floor
Miami, FL 33128
305-375-3111 | [email protected]