Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Risk-Based Corrective Action
The Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, Chapter 24 was amended on March 8, 2001 to implement Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA) principles for the cleanup of contaminated properties within the County.
This ordinance applies to properties not eligible for State of Florida cleanup provisions identified in 62-777 and 780, Florida Administrative Code (Petroleum, Dry-cleaning, and Brownfields Cleanup Programs), yet required to conduct pollution remediation.
The code, as amended, establishes cleanup target levels for soil, groundwater, and surface waters and sets forth the requirements and procedures for site rehabilitation in: discovery, notification, assessment, natural attenuation, risk assessment, remediation, no further action with conditions and related issues.
Risk Based Corrective Action ordinance
Miami-Dade RBCA Ordinance (March 7, 2006) (2.9 MB)
Flow Chart - helps to understand the "Risk Based Corrective Action" process as amended in Chapter 24. This is for information only, please refer to the approved ordinance for the actual rules and requirements.
Guidance documents
Development of Cleanup Target Levels (CTLs) for Chapter 24, Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida (October 20, 2001)
Download Technical Report (19 MB) - September 2005
Technical Support Document (6.6 MB)
Tables 1-2 (2.8 MB) Cleanup Target Levels for groundwater, surface water and soil.
Tables 3-8 (4.3 MB) Default parameters, chemical specific values, Sources and Derivation of Toxicity Values Used in Calculations for Carcinogens, Chemicals Sorted by Target Organ, Contaminant Name and CAS# Cross Reference, Soil Saturation (Csat) Limits
Supporting information for the implementation of the RBCA provisions
Comfort letter policy for contaminated sites
Comfort Letter Policy for Contaminated Sites Regulated by Section 24-11.1(2), Code of Miami-Dade County
For questions regarding the RBCA ordinance, call the Pollution Remediation Section at 305-372-6700.

Environmental Considerations GIS
Search the Environmental Considerations GIS Map to find out if a property may have any environmental features associated with it.
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