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Process and Control Management

An exit conference is held with the operating department when the draft report has been completed. The department is given the opportunity to confirm the findings in the report and has 30 days to respond with a plan for corrective action. Process and Control Management will then issue the final report, which may show that all issues have been resolved or that further actions may be necessary. This process follows the guidelines of Administrative Order 3-7.

ADA Compatible Report Request: If you require an ADA-compatible version of a report, email [email protected] or call 786-469-5958.

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About Us

Effective Oct.1, the Internal Compliance Department was created and approved by the Board of County Commissioners in the FY2024-25 Budget. It primarily consists of core functions such as: Process and Control Management (PCM), formerly the Department of Audit and Management Services; Enterprise Strategies (OES), responsible for the Enterprise Resources Planning system; and Credit and Collections (C&C), responsible for collections on delinquent accounts and citations.

As PCM, we ensure adherence with County policies and procedures, examine operations to ensure efficiencies, detect and mitigate risks, and recommend best practices. As part of C&C, we assist in proper collection of public funds. Our OES team provides oversight, implementation, management and optimization of the County’s ERP system, referred to as INFORMS. Within the Internal Compliance Department, we also manage the administration and compliance with County issued credit cards.