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Juan Fernandez-Barquin
Clerk of the Court and Comptroller
Miami-Dade County

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On July 1st of every year, the lobbyist must report any expenditures (food and beverage, entertainment, research, communication, media advertising, publications, travel, lodging, and special events) incurred on behalf of his/her client, in excess of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for the preceding calendar year. A statement shall be filed even if there are no reportable expenditures during the reporting period.

To file your expenditures, you may Login to the Lobbyist Registration On-line System using your userid and password. Once your information is authenticated, go to the Expenditure Report section. Select the calendar year for which you are reporting and proceed to provide the information that is requested by the system.

What if I had expenditures and did not disclose them?
If you neglect to disclose expenditures incurred on behalf of your client in a timely manner, you will automatically be assessed a late fee of $50.00 per day, per principal, for each day after July 1st of each year. Automatic suspension is imposed if you fail to disclose expenditures by September 1st of each year. All late fees will continue to accrue until you comply with these requirements.

In addition, the Ethics Commission may impose a public reprimand and assess a fine of $250.00 for every violation you make. You are also subjected to the three-strike rule for failing to disclose your expenditures.

Reinstatement of your lobbying activities will take place once all fines are paid or fine has been appealed to the Ethics Commission.

** This option wil be available only for registered Lobbyists.