Hurricane Irma
As we continue our recovery and cleanup efforts, please visit the Emergency website for the latest information on openings and closings in Miami-Dade County.
Using Mulch
The use of Cypress Mulch is prohibited under Chapter 18-a, the Landscape Code of Miami-Dade County, under the jurisdiction of the Planning and Regulation Department. The code reference is 18(a) .7-15(G)(3) and it states the following:
Cypress Mulch shall not be used because its harvest degrades cypress wetlands. This only applies to new development.
We do not recommend the use of red dyed mulch, which looks like redwood, as it may contain pressure-treated lumber chips.
We do recommend pine bark as it allows water to flow through to the roots, whereas Cypress Mulch fuses together with fungus and doesn't allow water to get through.
Read more about mulching practices for South Florida .

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