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Strategic Studies and Reports

Use the links below to read more about the Transit studies regarding Revenue Enhancement, Transit Performance and Expenses and Transportation Development.

PTP Dashboard - A Visual Showcase of PTP Surtax Collection and Distribution

In November 2002, the residents of Miami-Dade County approved a half-penny sales Surtax to implement the People’s Transportation Plan (PTP) – a transportation improvement program created to develop an integrated mass transit network and roadway improvements in Miami-Dade County and its municipalities.The PTP ismall image of laptop with dashboard screenshotncluded a broad range of projects and are categorized into bus service and rapid transit improvements, as well as major highway and road improvements, and neighborhood and municipal Improvements. The Citizens’ Independent Transportation Trust (CITT) oversees the proceeds of the Surtax and the implementation of the PTP.

The Office of the CITT, along with its Strategic and Financial consultant, IMG Rebel, designed and developed a PTP Dashboard using PowerBI. The PTP Dashboard tool is intended to visually showcase the Surtax collections, usage, Municipal and DTPW Transit performance along with the DTPW transit and roadway capital projects funded by Surtax.

The Dashboard has five sections: 1. PTP Surtax Collection and Distribution, 2. Municipal Transfers Allocations and Usage, 3. Municipal Performance Indicators, 4. DTPW Transit Ridership & Performance Indicators, 5. DTPW Capital Projects.

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Revenue Enhancement

  1. Innovative Revenue Techniques (2009)
    The purpose of this study is to research the best practices in innovative transit funding, and provide a preliminary evaluation of the potential for MDT to utilize these innovative tools to deliver projects planned in its capital program. Detailed financial analysis of the innovative finance potential for specific projects is envisioned as a future phase of this assignment.
  2. Revenue Enhancement Opportunities, Phase 1 (2010)
    This study identifies several financing alternatives potentially applicable in Miami-Dade County, including joint development agreements, naming rights, park-and-rides, and partnerships with the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), Florida’s Turnpike Enterprise (FTE), and other agencies or municipalities. This report’s research can help to guide policy decisions, and the use of the techniques described within can lead to an even stronger ongoing financial outlook.
  3. Revenue Enhancement Opportunities, Phase 2 (2011)
    The purpose of this study is to build upon the Revenue Enhancement Opportunities Phase I report of 2010, which identified and evaluated the full spectrum of alternatives for increasing revenues for MDT. The Phase I study examined the sources of funds utilized to support transit locally, nationally and internationally, without filtering by factors such as feasibility or efficiency.
  4. CITT Recommendations on Revenue Enhancement, 2013
    A series of studies funded by the Trust evaluated best practices nationally and internationally for both capital expansion and operating support funding sources. The result of this process is three sets of recommendations which are presented in the attached Memorandum to the Mayor and CITT Resolution No 13-003.
  5. Corridor Financing Report
    a) Miami Beach Corridor - This study analyzes the potential of real estate value capture revenue to partially offset the cost of developing a new fixed-route transit line in the County. Although the proposed transit line connecting Downtown Miami to Miami Beach, popularly known as the Baylink project (“the Project”), is utilized as an example, the methodology detailed in this report and the value capture model developed can to be utilized for any corridor in the County.

b) 27th Avenue Corridor - This study, Innovative Financing Options for a Premium Transit System on NW 27th Avenue in Miami--‐Dade County (“the Report”) was requested by the Miami-Dade County’s Citizens’ Independent Transportation Trust (CITT) to     examine the potential to use value capture techniques to partially fund transit improvements on NW 27th Avenue in Miami‐Dade County (“the County”). The Report estimates the potential funding that can be generated by value capture to support the development of a premium transit system on NW 27th Avenue.

On behalf of the Citizen's Independent Transportation Trust, IMG Rebel and Planning and Economic Group reviewed innovative funding opportunities that Miami-Dade County could pursue along the East-West, Metromover, Kendall and Northeast Corridors including joint development, impact fees, naming rights and parking increment as part of the planned commuter rail project along the corridors.

c) East-West Corridor Value Capture Report Adobe Acrobat Required to view this file

d) Metromover Corridor Value Capture Report Adobe Acrobat Required to view this file

e) Kendall Corridor Value Capture Report Adobe Acrobat Required to view this file

f) Northeast Corridor Value Capture Report Adobe Acrobat Required to view this file

g) South Dade Corridor Value Capture ReportAdobe Acrobat Required to view this file

6. Federal Funding Opportunities Study
The new Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021 bill recently passed by Congress may provide more funding for transportation projects. This study analyzes the IIJA of 2021 to identify transportation federal funding opportunities for Miami-Dade County. An overview of IIJA, proposed changes to the transportation funding programs compared to the previous transportation bill (FAST Act), new programs in IIJA, and possible implications of funding these programs to Miami-Dade County was summarized in the report.

7. Value Capture Update for the SMART Plan South, Northeast and Beach Corridors:
The Value Capture estimates for the SMART Plan South Corridor, Northeast Corridor and Beach Corridor conducted in 2016 by IMG Rebel are updated using the latest data. The analysis shows innovative funding opportunities that Miami-Dade County could pursue along the South, Northeast and Beach Corridor projects.


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Municipal Contracting Study

The objectives of this study is to review the transit service contracts of municipalities that receive People’s Transportation Plan (PTP) Surtax funding and assist municipalities to provide cost effective service. The study summarizes the current costs and contract terms for municipal trolley/circulator/shuttle services, analyzes cost differences and drivers of such differences between municipalities, evaluates the cost of Freebee and differences in cost, and recommends possible next steps for municipalities on providing more cost-effective service.

  1. Final Report on Municipal Contracting
  2. Findings from Municipal Transit Contracting Review


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Transit Performance and Expenses

  1. MDT Cost & Efficiency Study Vol.1: Peer Review and Trend Analysis (2011)
    CITT contracted with CUTR to perform two primary tasks: to complete an objective assessment of the relative efficiency of MDT and to document actions, activities or policies that have been taken or enacted based on prior work done to assist the agency in creating a more efficient operating environment. Volume 1 is an operating cost analysis to determine how efficiently MDT was running, through an assessment of MDT’s efficiency in relationship to peer transit agencies. Each modal review (bus, rail, mover) contained an overview of general service metrics to establish the context for MDT’s transit operation in comparison to the peer group as well as a summary of the results of the performance metrics applied to MDT and the peer groups. Peers were identified from industry and demographic data using a methodology from a 2009 Transit Research Project.
  2. MDT Cost & Efficiency Study Vol.2: Synthesis of Previous CUTR Reports & Analysis (2012)
    CITT contracted with CUTR to perform two primary tasks: to complete an objective assessment of the relative efficiency of MDT and to document actions, activities or policies that have been taken or enacted based on prior work done to assist the agency in creating a more efficient operating environment. Volume 2 is a review of the recommendations made during previous studies and analyses performed for the agency the identified potential improvements. CUTR synthesized and organized findings and recommendations, from 22 previous studies done over 10 years and classified in three categories. This report identifies status (adopted recommendations, alternative actions taken in lieu of recommendations) and quantifies results.
  3. The study performed a review of Department of Transportation and Public Work’s (DTPW’s) transit modes operations and maintenance overtime budget and cost overruns. A benchmarking analysis was performed on the overtime cost overruns versus budget in comparison to peer transit agencies, including New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Metro Atlanta Rapid Transportation Authority (MARTA), and Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). A review of DTPW’s overtime cost levels on certain performance metrics compared to these peer transit agencies were performed to determine whether DTPW’s overtime costs are reasonable. Lastly, relevant stakeholders at DTPW, MARTA, and WMATA were interviewed to learn about each agency’s overtime budgeting and cost management practices and documented the best practices.
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Elasticity of Demand Study

The purpose of this study is to analyze fare elasticity of demand for Miami-Dade County DTPW transit modes and to inform future fare policy and the assessment of how future fare increases would affect ridership, revenue, and subsidy levels. The report summarizes the results and conclusions of the evaluation using statistical models to predict ridership and revenue effects of fare policy.

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Transportation Development

  1. NW 215th Street - Land Use & Planning Study for Highest & Best Use
    Miami-Dade County in 2010 acquired approximately 14 vacant acres of land at the southwest corner of NW 27th Avenue and NW 215th Street utilizing Surtax funds. This land was purchased to support enhanced bus service in the short term and potentially rail service in the long term (part of the North Corridor of the PTP). In anticipation of enhanced bus service beginning in 2012, a land planning and urban design study is necessary to determine the highest and best short term and long term uses for the property. CITT utilized the County’s Department of Planning & Zoning (now Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources) Urban Design Center for this charrette-type effort and report.

    The charrette included a Town Hall style meeting and was held at the North County Citizen's Association Homeowners Meeting in March 2011. There, residents and stakeholders were invited to sit down with members of the County's UDC to illustrate and brainstorm what their vision for the parcel could look like in the future. As a result of the meeting, the citizen's maps would become the backbone for the ultimate vision that integrates transit and land use to assure successful and well utilized transit facilities, as well as stimulating the land development and economic growth of the area.
  2. SR836 at NW 107th Avenue TOD Study Adobe Acrobat Required to view this file
    Miami-Dade County is implementing incremental improvements for rapid transit expansion projects of the People's Transportation Plan, including the East-West Corridor. This series of reports (3 in total) provides market, demographic and economic analysis in support of the potential land planning and urban design study and charrette to be performed by the Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources (RER) as part of a potential SR836 Express Enhanced Bus Service Transit Oriented Development (TOD) for key points of the route’s alignment. The analysis includes: key population and household characteristics in the surrounding service area, 2. economic and market conditions, including employment patterns, local industries and current residential and commercial property values, and 3. opportunities based on market conditions and best practice case studies. Key findings address the population density available to support TOD according to Design Guidelines developed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). A primer on Advanced TOD concepts was also developed.
  3. Other resources: Corridor and Transportation Plans
    Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in coordination with Miami-Dade Transit (MDT) developed Short and Near-Term Transportation Plans to lay a foundation for future transit improvements along other transit corridors in the County. MDT decided to enhance characteristics of bus mode to provide a better quality of service with more features. These transit improvements are referred to as "Enhanced Bus Services" (EBS).
  4. Funding Pathways for Multimodal Trails
    The study provides an overview of the funding pathways available at the Federal, State and Local levels for the capital and operation and maintenance costs of Miami-Dade County bicycle path/trail assets. The study documents general takeaways/recommendations and analyses four example case study trails. For each case study, the report provides an overview of the project (i.e., background, main features, timeline); and cost estimates for capital expenditures (Capex) and operations and maintenance expenditures (O&M or Opex), as well as identified funding sources and potential options to fill O&M funding gaps. Some examples of O&M funding models implemented worldwide and in the US were included. 
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Vehicle Maintenance Assessments

These are assessments of the maintenance and cleaning practices for the Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW)Metromover and Metrorail systems. They outline the findings based upon analysis of data provided by DTPW, externally available data on cost and performance of other heavy rail systems, meetings with DTPW staff and site visits to Metromover and Metrorail facilities.

  1. Metrorail Maintenance Assessment
  2. Metromover Preventative Maintenance Assessment


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Page Last Edited: Thu Mar 13, 2025 2:58:24 PM

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